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Watering well

June brings long and sunny days, meaning your garden will crave water. Significant rain showers that throughly nourish plants are rare, and water from short spells will simply evaporate. But as a precious resource, water also needs to be used wisely. Here are some tips on what to consider in watering your garden.

  • Watering should not be done the height of the day as a lot will be lost to evaporation. Morning is best, as plants start to transpire in the sunlight. Watering first thing also avoids it sitting around on the soil surface overnight, which can encourage slugs and mildew.

  • Before watering your plants, check soil moisture by feeling down with your finger to knuckle-depth. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, while underwatering can cause wilting and stress. Other signs of underwatering include less than expected foliage or fewer fruits and flowers and leaves changing position, curling or angling downwards.

  • Remember that plants with large leaves are likely to need watering more frequently, as will containers and hanging baskets, where their restricted roots have access to less water. Containers need about 10% of the volume of the container at each watering, so 1 litre of water for a 10 litre pot.

  • It's also worth considering the soil your plants are growing in. Clay will hold more moisture and feel damp, but plants can struggle to access it, while sandy soil may feel dry despite providing water. Sandy soil needs watering more frequently and in small doses; adding organic matter will help its water-holding capacity.

  • A great way to use water economically is to collect rainwater in butts and channel it off roofs. Using watering cans or targeted hoses will save more water than sprinklers, but even better is an irrigation system. Ask us at Olive Tree Gardens about setting up an irrigation system that can target plants in their root zone and operate on timers. This will maximise their effect and avoid wastage, as well as water plants while you are on holiday.

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