Slugs can damage a wide array of plants and spread disease in the garden. Thankfully there are ways to keep them at bay. Below are some ideas to stop slugs taking over. Most success will come from applying a range of methods, consistently.
Remove hiding places: Slugs love damp and dark places. Clear away debris, mulch, and any other materials that provide hiding spots for them.
Handpicking: This might not be the most pleasant method, but it can be effective, especially if you have a small garden. Go out at night with a flashlight and manually remove the slugs from your plants.
Barriers: Create physical barriers around your plants to prevent slugs from reaching them. You can use materials like copper tape, crushed eggshells, or diatomaceous earth. Slugs dislike crossing these abrasive surfaces.
Beer traps: Place saucers filled with beer near your plants. Slugs are attracted to the beer, but they will fall in and drown. Check and empty the traps regularly.
Natural predators: Encourage natural slug predators like birds, toads, frogs, and ground beetles to inhabit your garden. Creating a habitat that supports these creatures can help keep the slug population in check.
Drip irrigation: Slugs thrive in moist environments, so consider using a drip irrigation system instead of overhead watering. This will keep the surface of the soil drier and less attractive to slugs.
Natural repellents: Some natural substances repel slugs, such as coffee grounds, crushed garlic, and copper barriers. Spread these around your garden to deter slugs from approaching.
Nematodes: Beneficial nematodes are microscopic worms that can be applied to the soil. They attack and kill slugs, providing a biological control method.
Chemical controls: If you opt for chemical controls, choose products that are specifically labeled for slug control. Follow the instructions carefully and consider the potential impact on other beneficial insects and the environment.
Don't forget to ask us at Olive Tree Gardens for help in managing slugs and any other troublesome pests.