Spring is on its way, even if it hasn't seemed that way recently. This means that it's time to prepare the garden for the coming growing season. Before you even think about planting, there are a few jobs that need doing.
First, be sure to clean up your garden beds by removing any fallen leaves or debris that accumulated over the winter. This will help prevent pests and diseases from taking hold. Next prune any dead or damaged branches from trees and shrubs. This will improve their overall health and appearance. Also try to cut back any perennials that were left standing over the winter, and divide any that have become too large.
Finally, start preparing your soil for spring planting by loosening it up with a garden fork or tiller. You can also add compost or other organic matter to improve the soil's fertility.
All of this will leave your garden in great shape to benefit from the better weather that we hope is soon to come. And don't forget to enjoy the crocuses and daffodils that will have sprung up already.